We have been mega busy this week with all our activities! We kick started our new 'Droylsden Detectives' topic with a local area walk. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who helped us out.
In maths, we have been scaling, where we use our knowledge of times tables to say how many times bigger or smaller a number is than another
We have begun working on our play scripts and we are looking forward to completing these so that we can perform them foe all our friends and families!
We have also been working on dual coding, looking at different ways of learning using icons and diagrams. We are excited about this new way of learning facts.
Swimming is still every Monday and PE every Wednesday. Please make sure your child has all they need for these lessons.
Championship winners this week were Daisy, Marley, Lucy and Sophia. Well done ladies!
Our super learning hero this week was Ryan for using all his learning powers. Great job Ryan!
Please speak to a member of the year 3 team if you can help out on our trip to Styal Mill on march 5th. It is a fantastic day out even for the adults.
Attendance for our class is very poor at the moment and we are below the national expectation of 97% on a regular basis.Please make sure that you send your child to school every day and if they feel a bit poorly or are too ill to stay in school, we will send them home.
Have a great weekend. Read more about our learning next week or check out our twitter feed!