What a busy second week back it’s been!
Our school trip to Staircase House was so much fun! We learned all about the plague and the Great Fire of London. The children were excellent at answering questions; the staff there were very impressed with their knowledge. The children have written some fantastic detailed recounts all about our time there.
In English, we have continued to read our new book, Toby and the Great Fire of London. We have been using adverbs to add extra detail to our sentences. We have also been working on our grammar, by learning what singular and plural mean, and therefore when to use was or were.
In Maths, we have continued our unit of work on money, and have been comparing different amounts, as well as finding the difference between two amounts. Please practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and encourage your child to access timetables rock stars in order to improve their skills.
We spent all day Thursday in construction mode! The children created fire engines, to link with our topic work, with full working axels, wheels and chassis. I was so impressed with their determination with these difficult tasks, well done everyone! In PSHE each child chose a target to work towards. We are going to practise this skill next week!
Our attendance last week was 97%, well done for meeting our school target. We also had 6 late marks. Remember, learning starts at 8:45!
Our learning hero this week was Ella, for always showing the 3 p’s and always working hard. Chloe got to take Smarty Bear home, as she is a super reader and is a fantastic role model. Our Handwriting Hero was Bella, for using joins across her four page recount! We had two extraordinary zones - Corey, for asking fantastic questions on the trip; and Amelia Y, for independent work in Maths. Our championship winners were Evie, Amelia Y, Chloe and Charlie T, while Determination was the winning house.
Important Dates
Friday 31st January - class assembly.
Monday 17th February - half term.