Hi everyone! Welcome to our weekly blog!
English - This week we have started reading our new text 'Carrie's War' by Nina Bawden. We began by looking at the front cover and deducing what we thought the book would be about. So far we have read chapters 1 and 2 and are excited to discover what happens next in the story!
Maths - We have been learning how to plot and read coordinates on a single and four quadrant grid. We have also looked at translation.
Topic - This week we kicked off our brand new topic 'World War Two' which links closely to our new class text. The children have come up with some enquiry questions about what they would like to discover during this unit of work and we are keen to learn lots more!
Learning Heroes - This week's learning heroes were Katelyn (from Miss Andrew's class) and Olivia (from Miss Evans' class) for showing great effort and determination in their learning - in particular Maths and English! Well done girls!
Revision guides - As we're sure you're already aware, the children have now been given revision guides which are handed out every Friday, to be given back in the following Friday so we can mark them as a team! It is really important for all the children to work through these at home as they will really help them to recap on things we have been learning about during the week in school! Children who bring all of their revision guides in completed will receive 6 Championship Points and 3 gold cards!
Active Learn - The children have now been given their new log-in and password details to access this at home. Books have been assigned on 'Bug Club' along with spelling and grammar games. Each week, we can log on and see which children have been working hard on this at home and would love for as many children as possible to be using this excellent resource as an extra revision aid!
PE and Dance - Just a reminder that we now have Dance on a Wednesday afternoon and PE on a Thursday morning! All children must bring their kits for both of these days!
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Miss Andrew and Miss Evans :)