We are already half way through our first spring half term. We have been so busy with our learning.
So far we have been learning about the Great Fire of London, designed and made fire engines that move using axles and wheels, used the internet as a research tool and learnt how to solve problems involving money.
We have enjoyed reading Toby and the Great Fire of London. This week we finished our letters whilst writing in the role of Toby to describe what it was like to be there during the fire.
We have now started our multiplication unit in mathematics. We are investigating equal groups first and then moving on to our 2,5 and 10 times tables. Please help your child to practise these at home.
During PE we are improving our movement skills and have worked on balance and agility so far.
We celebrated the Chinese New Year this Friday afternoon and made our own dragons to use in the celebrations.
It was wonderful to see so many children in the correct PE kit this week! Well done. Please see twitter for regular updates on our learning heroes and championship point winners.
We have had a chat about attendance this week. The children were disappointed not to have achieved any 100% rewards yet. We must continue to work together to ensure our attendance improves in order for this to happen. Please try hard to ensure your child is in school everyday.
We will celebrate ‘ECO’ week towards the end of this half term. More details will be shared soon.