The children have been working very hard this week in their assessments. I am so very proud of them - their results are amazing!
In English, we completed our diary entries from a Toby, all about what he did during the fire. The children have used some fantastic vocabulary in these pieces, I am so impressed!
In Maths, we have been working on multiplication. Please practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and encourage your child to access timetables rock stars in order to improve their skills.
In science, we created a mind map about our new topic - living things and their habitats. We then sorted items into three groups - living, was once alive and has never been alive. In ICT, we learnt about reliable sources of information online, and how to spot these.
Don't forget to check our twitter @MRPAyear2A for photos and updates.
Our attendance last week was 97.3%, well done for being above our school target. We also had 4 late marks. Remember, learning starts at 8:45!
Our learning hero this week was Lottie, for resilience in her writing. Kourtney got to take Smarty Bear home, as she has been working incredibly hard in Maths. Our Handwriting Hero was Amelia K, for using beautiful presentation in her extended writing. Our winning house was Passion, and our championship point winners were Bella in first place, Charlie, Charlie and Corey in second place, and Maisy, Evie and Matthew in third place.
Important Dates
Week beginning 10th February - ECO week. Please send in clean wrappers on Monday for some collage work.
Monday 17th February - half term.
Thursday 5th March - world book day.
Tuesday 10th March - children’s art gallery.