The children have been working hard this week!
In English the children have started writing their own narrative of Mousehole cat from Tom's perspective. The children have been working really hard on their beginning and build up parts of the story and have been fantastic to read. What will happen in the problem part of their story?!
In maths the children have been using the partitioning method to solve 2 digit numbers divided by 1 digit numbers. We have also been looking at remainders. We are moving on to 3 digit divided by 1 digit.
This week in art the children started to design their Roman mosaics! They are looking great so far and will be finishing them off ready to make their own mosaic after half term. The children have been looking at using contrasting colours to make their designs look effective. In history the children have been learning about why the Romans invaded Britain and what enabled them to do so, as well as some of the other civilisations that have invaded Britain. We have been making a fish bone diagram to show the cause and effect of the Roman invasion.
This week we all came into school with bright/rainbow colours to show support for LGBT ad the charity The Proud Trust. We read a lovely book, 'Heather has two mummies'. We discussed how we all have different families and celebrated the fact and shared our own pictures of what our families look like.
Next week is Eco Week!
Learning Hero!
This week Charlotte was our Learning Hero! They continuously show resilience in their work, especially in maths. Always manages their distractions, is brilliant at noticing patterns and links and is able to edit and improve their work. Fantastic attitude towards learning!
Key Information
Your children have been given their logins for Active learn. Their username is their name e.g. Kate.Burgess, their password is class4a (all lower case) and the school is manc (all lower case). It is brilliant to see that some children have already been accessing the books and SPaG lessons. It is important the children continue to practice their times tables at home as well as in school. If they can the link for Times Tables Rock Stars is below.
Active Learn https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0
Times Table Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/