This week in maths we have been practising subtraction within 20 practically using counters and a tens frame. On Friday we then looked at using a number line and will carry on with this next week.
In geography this week we went on a local walk and looked at the key features of our town Droylsden. Later in the afternoon in small groups we filmed Newsround where the children shared the images and talked about what they know about their town. We then created a double spray to compare the similarities and differences between a village and a town.
In science this week we dissected a plant to look more closely at the parts and then compared 2 different plants.
This week in PSHE we looked at a healthy balanced diet a created a healthy balanced lunch. We discussed the benefits of eating a healthy balanced diet and how we could make small changes to make foods healthier.
Next week we have a whole school week – ECO week where the children will be learning about saving the planet and recycling.
We also break up for half term on Friday 14th February for 1 week and are back in school on Monday 24th February.
Our Learning Hero – Hallee for being reflective during guided reading
Handwriting Hero - Hassan
Extraordinary Zone – Rehan for resilience in writing during English.
Championship point winners – Luka, Elissa, Laycie
Winning House – Determination
Our attendance last week was 99.9% which is fantastic, with only 3 late marks.
Weekly Information
Homework this week is page 20
Challenge: Write sentences using our spelling. This weeks are; dad, day, do, don’t, down
Remember to logon to Active Learn to find exciting books and more reading opportunities.
For maths try Topmarks - Number bonds to 10/20
Reading books are due back Monday and Thursday
PE is on Monday and Tuesday
Friday 28th February AM Hindu Temple visit
Thursday 5th March - World Book Day
Tuesday 10th March - children’s art exhibition 3.30-5pm
Thursday 19th March – Parents Evening