Our attendance for last week was 97%. Well done! We had 4 late marks.
This week has been ECO WEEK! We have been learning all about the environment and how pollution affects our planet.
In English we had a very engaging text. Ours was Superfrog and the Big Stink. The text was all about a frog who wanted to save his nearby town and city from the ever growing threat of pollution. It was very informative but also very funny as he saved it with his bottom!
In Maths, we moved onto and completed our unit on Statistics. We learnt how to read pictograms, bar charts, tally charts and tables! We constructed our own bar charts and learnt how important it is to get the scale right. Next term we will be focusing on length and perimeter before moving onto fractions.
In Science, we used our theme for Eco Week, Pollution, to learn how it is affecting our environment, living animals and our wider world. We learnt about the 4 main types and how they are caused and who they affect. We also created acrostic poems to raise awareness and some fabulous Eco themed art!
Our art pieces will be on sale for £8. We will also be holding an Art Galley for you to admire these on Tuesday 10th March 3:30 - 4:30pm
Our Learning Hero will resume first week back after the half-term!
Our Gold Card Champions were
Our Championship Point winners were Freya, Nathan and Annabelle. Well done!
Our winning house was Determination!
Key information:
Swimming is EVERY MONDAY. PLEASE ensure that your child's clothing is labelled and they are given a bag to carry this in. We have had lots of items go missing and this would help us greatly.
P.E is EVERY WEDNESDAY. Again please ensure a full kit is provided each week. This can remain in school and children can take it home at the end of term.
Home Learning is given out on Wednesdays/Thursdays. Children are expected to complete this by the following Monday. If this is not completed then they will be expected to attend home work club. Online resources such as Active Learn https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0 and Times Table Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ support children in the development of key comprehension and times table fluency.
Reading books are changed as much as possible throughout the week. The more we read the better writers we will become so we encourage as much as possible but expect at least a book to be changed once a week.
Upcoming Events:
Friday 14th February - End of term
Thursday 5th March - Year 3 trip to Quarry Bank Mill
Friday 6th March - Year 3 World Book Day
Tuesday 10th March - Art Gallery after school. Children's artwork will be available for purchase (£8 per piece)
Thursday 14th May - Year 3 trip to Smithills Farm