Welcome back!
This week we began reading our new power of reading text- Oliver Twist. It has the children hooked already and they have been generating some marvellous vocabulary to describe the character of Oliver.
In maths, we are learning about length and perimeter, converting cms to mms and cm to metres.
We have begun our topic in earnest now and have mind mapped what we will be learning about in history.
Our new topic in science is 'light and shadows'. We have started this with a mind map also.
Our class attendance is very low (95%) and we had 10 late marks this week! This has to improve. The national figure for acceptable levels of attendance is 97%. The mornings are brighter and lighter now - so get to school on time!!
We have a student teacher working in our class up until the summer. Miss Townsend. Come and say hello to her if you see her on the playground after school. It will make her feel welcome!
Coming events:
Styal Mill visit - Thursday 5th March.
Friday 6th March - World book day for year 3
Tuesday March 10th - Art gallery to buy the ECO week art the children produced (£8 each piece)
May 14th - Smithill's farm visit