The children have been working very hard this week for Eco week. Lots of learning has taken place and this morning we shared what we have learnt with the rest of school. We shared some lovely stories all about sea pollution, rubbish and trees. We started the week off by creating a Tree Diagram all about different environments and how plants, animals and humans survive and thrive in each one. We then looked at different materials, discussed which were manmade and natural and then did sorting activities based on recycling at home and how we can help. The children then created posted for Reception to encourage them to help with recycling at home.
PE kits
Please ensure your child returns to school with a full, named PE kit as after half term if your child does not have a full kit they will miss the following playtime.
Packed Lunches
As mentioned on the newsletter our school Health Food Policy states that children are not allowed any sweets or sugary drinks in school. We have also seen a raise in unhealthy foods in packed lunches such as several chocolate bars, crisps and biscuits. If children have serval bars of chocolate or sweets they will be asked to choose one and they will bring the rest home. We are trying to ensure that children in school have a healthy balanced diet. Thank you for your support in this.
Our Gold Card winners this half term – Gold – Madeleine, Silver – Daisy and Bronze - Maddison
Our attendance last week was 97% with 6 late marks.
We had 10 children receive a certificate for bring in their reading books to be changed each week this half term. well done!
Weekly Information
This half term we have sent home handwriting lines and a handwriting mat for your child to practise their letter formation. Can they write about something they’ve done over the holidays or just make up some silly sentences? Remember to practise number bonds to 20 too and we’ve sent home 2 reading books.
Remember to logon to Active Learn to find exciting books and more reading opportunities.
For maths try Topmarks - Number bonds to 10/20
Reading books are due back Monday and Thursday
PE is on Monday and Tuesday
Friday 28th February AM Hindu Temple visit – We now have enough helpers, thank you.
Thursday 5th March - World Book Day
Tuesday 10th March - children’s art exhibition 3.30-5pm
Thursday 19th March – Parents Evening
Have a lovely half term and see you on Monday 24th February for Spring 2!