We have had a busy second week back! World book day was so much fun. It was great to see the children dressed up as their favourite characters, and we enjoyed describing our characters as well as reading with Year 4SB.
In English, we have focussed our learning onto elephants. We have researched them, and have used a variety of sentence types to explain what we have learnt so far. We are going to be creating a fact file all about Elephants next week.
In Maths, we have been learning about the names and properties of 2D shapes, and have tried to draw them.
Please continue to practise counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s and encourage your child to access timetables rock stars in order to improve their skills.
In Science, we used iPads to help us research different animals and their habitats. In RE, we reflected on the story of Noah’s Ark, and what we can learn from it. In ICT, we created a storyboard, in order to prepare for our stop motion animation. In PSHE, we thought about ways we could relax and feel calm.
Don't forget to check our twitter @MRPAyear2A for photos and updates.
Our attendance last week was 98.7%, well done for being above our school target. We also had 2 late marks. Remember, learning starts at 8:45!
Our learning hero this week was Clarence, for fantastic progress in guided reading sessions. The extraordinary zone this week went to Antonia, for independent recall of 2D shape names.Our Handwriting Hero was Amelia, for continued beautiful presentation across all pieces of work. Lottie got to take Smarty Bear home, as she has settled in to her new English group brilliantly. Our winning house was Honesty, and our championship point winners were Ella in first place, Clarence in second place, and Silver in third place.
Important Dates
Tuesday 10th March - children’s art gallery.
Monday 16th March - immersive classroom trip.
Thursday 19th March - parent’s evening.