Our attendance was 92% which is far below the 97% we are aiming for. For those that were poorly it is lovely to have you back in school. We had 8 late marks, remember learning starts from 8.45am.
This week in maths we have been learning related facts - fact families to 20. The children have used tens frames, counters, part whole model and the bar model to practically support their learning. They then wrote the fact family number sentences and have used lots of mathematical language to explain their learning. They can explain commutative law, whole and part numbers and how to structure subtraction sentences. They are learning to recognise that subtraction is the inverse of addition. Next week, we are looking at Place Value to 50. To support your child you could practise lots of counting up to 50 and check they recognise the numbers.
In English, we have held sentences and corrected sentences with missing punctuation and spelling mistakes. We have introduced the suffixes ‘er’ and ‘est’ to compare. Eg. I am loud but my brother is louder and my dad is the loudest. We will revisit these as the children found them a little tricky. Try using them at home and making funny sentences to help the children.
In science, we started our ‘animals including humans’ learning. The children are enjoying discussing the features of animals and then we grouped animals. It was interesting to see how they worked together to explore similarities and differences and group the animals. The children have learnt new scientific vocabulary and revisited vocabulary they already knew- vertebrate and invertebrate, mammal, amphibian and warm and cold blooded.
We also had our class assembly and I am so proud of them. They had lovely clear voices and despite their nerves they were amazing. Thank you to all that came to see the assembly and visit us in class. We love sharing our learning with you.
This week we had an exhibition of our artwork. Thank you if you got chance to pop to the hall and see the amazing artwork. The work produced across school was impressive. If you haven’t purchased your child’s artwork, you have until Friday 20th March. Please pay through Parent Pay, cost is £8.
Our Learning Hero - Bella
Handwriting Hero - Joshua
Extraordinary Zone - Georgie, Jax and Meme
Championship point - Lots of children this week, see picture above.
Winning House - Honesty
Weekly Information
Homework is page 22
Challenge: Write sentences using our spellings.
Remember to logon to Active Learn to find exciting books and more reading opportunities.
For maths try Topmarks - Number bonds to 10/20
Homework is due back Monday
Reading books are due back Monday and Thursday
PE is on Monday and Tuesday
Thursday 19th March - Parents’ Evening
I am looking forward to parents’ evening. Thank you to those that have booked, if you haven’t there is still time to book, return your slip this week.