We have had a busy third week back. Thank you to everyone who came and supported our fabulous art gallery! Pieces are still on sale until Friday 20th.
In English, we have been busy writing our fact files about Elephants. We are going to move on to setting descriptions next week.
In Maths, we have been continuing our learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have sorted 2D shapes, and made patterns with them. We are now learning the properties of 3D shapes.
Please continue to practise counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s and encourage your child to access timetables rock stars in order to improve their skills.
In Science, we learnt about microhabitats, and the type of animals you would find in these. In ICT, we completed our storyboards. We also used the program paint to create a repeating pattern, inspired by African designs. In PSHE, we learnt about medicine, and the different purposes it can have. In Geography, we learnt about different land uses in Kenya, and then sorted this into Human and Physical Features.
Don't forget to check our twitter @MRPAyear2A for photos and updates.
Our attendance last week was 99.3%, well done for being above our school target. We also had 4 late marks. Remember, learning starts at 8:45!
Our learning hero this week was Charlie, for fantastic improvement in attitude and focus in lessons since half term. There were lots of extraordinary zones this week!! Charlie was on the extraordinary zone for supporting others with their learning while we were drawing 2D shapes. Lottie, Amelia, Jake and Jace were on the extraordinary zone for fantastic work in the same lesson - they completed more work than anyone else! Corey and Layton were on the extraordinary zone for fantastic reasoning. They both answered questions that no one else could solve, which is very impressive. Our Handwriting Hero was Maisy, for using joins in her writing. Darcey got to take Smarty Bear home, as she always gives 100% in every lesson, and works hard to support others with their learning. Our winning house was Self Belief, and our championship point winners were Chloe and Matthew in first place, Lottie and Corey in second place, and Maisy in third place.
Important Dates
Monday 16th March - immersive classroom trip.
Thursday 19th March - parent’s evening.
Friday 3rd April - half term.