Welcome back to a new year at MRPA! I would just like to say, after 7 fulls days in school, I am so proud of how you have all settled and taken the changes in your stride. 

It has been none stop since we got back; learning new routines, doing Maths, English, Science, History and much more. We have been sorting and counting objects, learning about materials and have begun learning about the past (looking specifically at Victorians and toys). We are slowly revealing parts of a new book and have discussed and wrote predictions of what may happen next. We have also created a Role on the Wall. Exploring language in the text and illustrations to help us describe the character. (See Twitter for pictures). 


This week our learning hero was Oliver. He used his reciprocity learning power to collaborate with another child and help them. Poppy and Isabella got into the Extraordinary Zone for using fantastic scientific vocabulary to describe materials. Our handwriting hero this week is Isabella! The championship winners this are Oliver, Isabella and Jack and the winning team is Determination

Well done to all! 

Key Information

- We have PE and Dance weekly. Please bring your PE kits. 

- Home Learning activities will be posted on Teams. 

- Keep up to date via Twitter at @MRPAyear1B


Have a lovely weekend