Hi everyone!
The children have been working in table groups and sitting on the carpet this week. They are acting much more like a Year 2 class which has been great to see!
We have sent out two reading books this week. Please return them every Wednesday to be changed. Reading is so important and we really do ask that you support us in supporting your child by reading frequently at home. Should you wish to read more books please log on to active learn where there are plenty more books to read and rewards will be given.
This week the children have been working with numbers up to 100. We have been working on understanding the value of the digits in these numbers using a range of resources. Activities to support this learning can be found on Sumdog.
We are focusing our English work around a book by Simon Batrum called "Bob, a day in the life of the man on the Moon". We have received an exciting letter from Bob with a photo of some fascinating Moon trees. We did some fruit tasting, to inspire descriptive writing about the fruit on the Moon trees.
We have learnt about the stages of the moon landing, and written an explanation of the six main steps. Why don’t you ask your child to explain it to you?
For now, homework will consist of weekly reading and spelling tasks on Teams, as well as Maths activities on Sumdog and TT Rockstars.
Please check your child's bag as logins for all these resources have been sent home.
If you have any questions please use Teams as a communication tool or email the office to make an appointment.
PE will be on Wednesday at the moment. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on Wednesdays.
Well done to our Championship Point winners this week - Harry, Madeleine and Ronnie.
The winning house is Respect.
Well done to our Learning Hero - Ronnie. He is a lovely addition to our class.
Well done to our handwriting hero - Laycie. She uses neat writing across all of her books and sheets.
Keep in Touch
Please follow us on Twitter @MRPAyear2A