We are motoring through our learning in year 4. This week, we learned all about the Ancient Egyptian Gods and all the beliefs that the Ancient Egyptians had. We found out that they believed in the afterlife and that is why Pharaohs were buried with their riches. Next week we will be writing a newspaper report all about Howard Carter discovering Tutankhamen's tomb.
In maths, we are working with numbers up to 10000, comparing and ordering numbers.
We have written diary entries as Rhodipis from our Power of Reading text and we will be writing setting descriptions to describe the Pharaoh's search for the owner of the rose red slipper.
We have PE on Thursday afternoons and children must now wear their PE kit to school on the day they have PE. Please make sure that your child ahs the correct PE kit as we have been asked to inform you to bring one to school if they arrive without the correct kit.
Learning Hero this week is Daisy Mae for high engagement in her learning and being committed to making improvements. Championship winner is Lillie C and Marley.
Attendance this week was very poor. Please send your child to school every day. We can make a decision to send them home if necessary.
Reading books will be changed every Friday and children must return their book before a new one will be issued.
Homework will be posted on teams and should be completed by Tuesday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Abela