Hello everyone!

We hope that you have had an enjoyable week. 

Below is an overview of what we are currently learning in Year 3. 


In English, we are reading Stone Age Boy, which links with our History topic on the Stone Age to Iron Age. We have been developing our writing by creating interesting phrases, focusing on adjectives, prepositions and fronted adverbials to create a vivid setting description. 

Our Stone Age topic includes placing events in History on a timeline and discovering how humans lived in prehistoric Britain. 

In Maths, we have been recapping place value and comparing numbers. 

Swimming is on a Monday afternoon, for which kits will need to be brought in. Children are required to remove their own earrings or have them covered by a swimming cap if they are not able to remove them. Please contact us via Teams if you have any queries. 

P.E is on a Thursday morning and children will need to arrive to school in their kit. 


Miss Huelin's learning hero this week was Harvey and championship point winner was Abu.

Mr Clarke's learning hero this week was Ella and championship point winner was Charlie. 

Well done!


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Huelin and Mr Clarke