We have had another great week of learning. In The Snail and the Whale, we have finished our book and started to retell it using a narrative map and actions. We created a plan to help us retell The Snail and the Whale in writing. Writing key words and parts of the story. We have begun to write the first part of the story.
In Maths, we have continued building our understanding of addition. We have been looking at word questions, adding more and finding the part in addition number sentences, using part whole models and number lines. In PSHE, we looked at how we can work as a team and help each other. After planting our beans in Science last week, we have been keeping an eye on them and some have begun to sprout! We have discussed where our food comes from in DT after making our bars last week.
Learning Hero - Delia
Handwriting Hero - Louie
Extraordinary Zone - None this week.
Championship Winners - Grace, Harper and Delia
Winning House - Passion
Learning Hero - Sophie
Handwriting Hero - Jasmine
Extraordinary Zone - Poppy, Isabella, Oliver, Jasmine, Isaac and Daisy
Championship Winners - Liya, Brooke and Flynn
Winning House - Passion
Well done to all!
Home Learning
See Teams for this weeks Number Word spellings and a comprehension task, reading on Active Learn and Sumdog Maths. Look out for a challenge in the classes on Sumdog. Books have been sent home for you to complete the spellings and comprehension task in. These are to stay at home, please post your work through teams assignments.
Sumdogs - Well done to Zahra and Marshall for accessing Sumdog.
Active Learn completed books - Marshall and Anais
Sumdog - Well done to Walter, Isabella, Sophie, Daisy, Awa, Meadow, Raife, Oliver and Brooke accessing Sumdog.
Active Learn completed books - Walter
Key Information
- PE is on Wednesday's please come in PE kit on a Wednesday.
- Please bring reading books back on Friday to be changed for next week.
- Keep up to date via Twitter at @MRPAyear1A or @MRPAyear1B
-Please make sure you have access to Teams. If you do not have your log in, please let us know.
Key Information for December
- Virtual Santa Visit - 9th December
- Year 1 Christmas Disco - 9th December 4.15 - 5.15pm
- Christmas Jumper Day - 11th December
- Christmas Dinner - 16th December
- Last day of Term - 18th December