First week back!
We have begun the new topic of People Who Help Us this week. We have looked at links between lots of different people, their jobs and how they help us. We have been looking at people who help us at home and at school. We talked about our parents and other grown ups who are at home, teachers at…
Happy Half Term!
This week has been Eco Week! We have discussed how bees are important to the earth and how they help flowers, plants and trees grow and why we need plants, trees and flowers. Owls also looked at the life cycle of a bee. We also looked at how we can help look after our earth and keep it clean and…
Chinese New Year Week 2
This week we continued with our Chinese New Year topic. We have read a book called The Great Race, which tells the Chinese Zodiac Story as well as reading Peppa's Chinese New Year. We found out it is now the Year of the Rat so we used lines, circles, ovals and squiggles to draw a rat in Make Your…
Chinese New Year
This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year. We looked at how it is celebrated, who celebrates it and did some dragon dancing to drums. In Maths we have been exploring our numbers 1-5. During independent learning, Owls have enjoyed creating firework pictures, trying to use chop sticks,…
Three Billy Goats Gruff
This week we have been reading and exploring the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have ordered the story, made play dough trolls, described the troll and listened to others read the story. We have had lots of tasks to do in Maths, helping get the correct amount of bricks to make a bridge,…
Jack and the Beanstalk
This week we continued with Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been using the story map to tell our story, asking the Giant questions, talking about how the Giant might have felt about Jack taking his things and drawing his face. We also came up with ideas for a new character to replace the Giant. We…
Christmas time...
We have had a super busy last week of term. Watching Christmas performances, performing in the Nativity, Christmas dinner, Christmas parties and lots of Christmas activities. Owls have coped really well with such a busy week and we are so proud of their performances in the nativity.
Dear Santa 2
This week we have continued with Dear Santa. We have been retelling our story as well as learning about why we celebrate Christmas and listening to the Nativity story. In Maths we have been recapping numerals and representations 1-5. We have also had a busy week with nativity rehearsals and…
Dear Santa
This week we began a new topic, Christmas! We received a special gift of the book Dear Santa and we have been learning about the book. We made a story map and are learning to retell the story map. In Maths we have been counting Christmas objects and saying how many there are. We have also learnt…
Bear Snores On 3
We have continued with Bear Snores On this week but become group authors by changing the main character to another hibernating animal. Mornings chose a Hedgehog and Afternoons voted for a ladybird. We changed the names of the stories and retold them with the new characters. We have been looking at…
Bear Snores on 2
We continued with Bear Snores On and began looking at hibernation and what animals hibernate. We answered why questions, explored the different animals, used mark making skills to draw spikes on the hedgehog. In Maths, we looked at size and ordered items by their size. We used language big, medium…
Bear Snores On
We have begun our new topic this week, Autumn/Winter and Hibernation. Our topic book is Bear Snores on and we have been reading our book and really getting to know the story in literacy. We have joined in with the story, predicted what may happen and described the character. We also made a cave in…